BraveRO - High Rates - 10k/10k/3k, Nivel 500/120, Hero Quest, Miles de headgears unicos, MvPs y Instancias nuevas, Battlegrounds Activos, Diversos Modos y Horarios de WoE, Sistemas de Pesca, Minería y Forja Propias, 48 Armas de Élite Específicas por Trabajo y ¡20 Nuevas Habilidades de Héroe!
AsurielRO 3.0
Categoria: Mid rates
AsurielRO 3.0: Rebirth BETA December 8, 2024 Grand Opening Decemeber 13, 2024 - Stable Client for better game play without lag! (Global Connections) - 275/60 - Renewal. - Max ASPD: 199 - Gepard Shield 3.0 Supported! - Party Share Range: 15 - Headgear Quest NPC! - Auto attack, Pet combination, New housing system and more! - Custom Items, Quest, Events and New Instances! . - Episode 18 up to latest! - Auction System, Aura Enchants, New Market System - Automated Daily Events. - MVP Map: PK enable
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